
Water Resource Management Services at Kirkham
Managing stormwater drainage responsibly is a top priority for numerous public agencies. Uncontrolled stormwater runoff, overflowing stream banks, and powerful floodwaters can pose imminent threats to people and property. Our water resource engineers are committed to improving drainage conditions, mitigating flood risk, and protecting the environment while preserving the quality of nearby streams, lakes, and groundwater.
Hamilton Drain Box Culvert
Des Moines, IA
Hospital Lake Restoration
Columbus, NE
Flood Resiliency Study
St Edward, NE
Fremont Slough LOMR
North Platte, NE
Detention Basins
Ellinwood, KS
Water Resource Services
- Watershed Management Studies
- Erosion Control
- Bank Stabilization
- Water Quality Basin Design
- Wetland Delineation, Mapping
- Channel Improvements
- Stormwater Detention Facilities
- Dams, Reservoirs, and Levees
- CLOMR, LOMR, Applications

Water Distribution
There’s nothing more fundamental to a community than drinking water. As demands are changing based on aging systems and growing populations, it’s more important than ever to plan for the future and design sustainable infrastructure for the years ahead.We specialize in developing practical solutions that save customers money while preserving public health and welfare. Kirkham Michael has a successful history of working with various communities and water districts, offering innovative planning, creative design, and construction services to address specific needs related to water distribution.
Raw Water Well and Generator
Pocahontas, IA
Elevated Well House
Falls City, NE
Waterline Replacement
Kinsley, KS
Water and Sewer Relocation
Ellinwood, KS
Water Services
- Elevated Storage Tanks
- Water Source Development
- Water System Modeling
- Treatment Plants
- Pump Stations
- Transmission Mains
- Rate Studies

Sanitary Sewer Collection
Designing wastewater collection systems in today’s regulatory landscape requires an understanding of community needs and familiarity with current design practices. For more than 75 years, municipalities and industries across the Midwest have placed their trust in Kirkham Michael to expertly plan and design these vital improvements. Our engineers possess the depth of knowledge and experience necessary to deliver tailored solutions that meet the needs of each client.
Inflow and Infiltration Study
Iowa National Guard Johnston, IA
Septic System
Effigy Mounds Harpers Ferry, IA
Wastewater Treatment
Pocahontas, IA
Lift Station
Ulysses, NE
Combined Sewer Separation
Missouri Ave/Spring Lake Park Omaha, NE
Sanitary Sewer Master Plan
Sterling, KS
Lift Station
Hoisington, KS
Wastewater Treatment Services
- Preliminary Engineering Reports
- Rate Studies
- Inflow/Infiltration Study
- Combined Sewer Separation
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment
- Sewer System Modeling, Analysis, and Design
- Treatment Facility Design